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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


They say, the smiles in our face are traces of gladness, delight or hopefulness. But, can we also think of smiles as masks that conceal our hidden emotions and fearful thoughts?

As we try to look at our Filipino culture, we have this mentality that our life would be better if we work out of our country. That’s an opinion which  is certainly walking its way to becoming a fact. Well, the truth is- it does prove the reality. Many OFW’s  are in demand nowadays not because of the work offered abroad but because of the eagerness seen to us, Filipinos in earning a living despite any degradation we feel in foreign hands. But, I’m not after the monetary concerns, I’m after the emotional imbalance felt as these workers tend to move away from their families. At first, I’m not quite interested on how these OFW’s spend their lives abroad but now, things have changed.

Busy with the upcoming events in school- parties and paper works off for submission, would seem to make your life a hectic ones. Good, if you’re used of doing those things, bad if you seem to be bothered by other things on your head. Perhaps, my life as a teacher is full of challenging activities. Why? That’s because I feel as if I’m learning each day as I teach young minds. But, my life as a member of the family is what I miss to do.

Lately on the month of November, we have been hearing news about my sister and her family plan moving off to Canada by January next year, as what my older brother planned years back. But all of a sudden, we were all shock that my brother had already reserved tickets for them early on the month of December. We didn’t expect it would be earlier as scheduled. But, we can’t do anything about it. Since, we were also looking for the lowest plane tickets as the year ends. So, what we did is just to help them pack their things and buy all the listed items to be brought along with them. We were rushing. It seems that the days are numbered. Each day we spend with them seems to be memorable, something we should dearly keep.

So as the days go fast, I had decided to accompany my mother to the airport to say our bon voyage to them. At first, I’m quite excited to be back to Manila again. To have time to go around and see new places once again. But, the feeling gradually fades as I come to think of the years we have to spend without my ate and her family. To tell you honestly, I would be missing much my nephew who is just 2 years old now. We had so many things in common. And at times, I would always wish to have him as my first son. We enjoy being together each day.  It seems that there is a strong attachment between the two of us. But, what else could I do? He has his family with him there. There’s nothing for him to think of. But, I do hope that somehow he misses me the way I do. Probably, we’ll see each other when he turns 5. I should be richer by then. Just kidding.

Well, as I write down this essay, I had reminisced once again my thoughts and felt once more a mixture of emotions.  Well, do you know what keeps me hanging on? Well it’s the thought that God has better plans for them and that is absolutely something to look forward to.

Prepared by:
 Ms. Bleselda B. Aringo

1 comment:

  1. Однако иногда сохраняется нормальный уровень С1 -ингибитора, но его структура ока-зывается измененной; иногда уровень ингибитора даже увеличен. В последнем случае он находится в комплексе с альбумином, в результате блокируется его активность.

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    Дефицит ингибитора и сниженная его активность приводят к развитию псевдоаллергической формы отека Квинке.

    Под влиянием различных повреждающих воздействий (например, удаление зуба и др.), физической нагрузки, эмоционального стресса происходит активация фактора Хагемана (ХИ-фактор свертывания крови). Последний включает плазминовую систему с образованием плазмина, который в свою очередь запускает начальное звено классического пути активации комплемента, начиная с С1. Активация происходит до СЗ и здесь прекращается, так как у СЗ свой ингибитор. Однако в начальном звене из С2 образуется кининоподобный фрагмент, который и вызывает повышение проницаемости сосудов и развитие отека Квинке.
