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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


When ancient Romans starts to build settlements which they called "Florentia" which means destined to flower. over the years, the people of ancient Florence struggled to build and established a city. While the city enjoyed a period of prosperity, merchants coming from powerful families governed Florence. One of the most powerful family is the Medici family,who dominated the city in the 15th century.

During the reign of the Medici family, the city became prospered even more. development of the thriving economy and the culture of the city flourished and known to the Renaissance city.
Renaissance period is not only known because its rebirth but also the period in which transformation or great development during the period.Human-centered forms of philosophy and literature flourished in the city  during this period many human activities like music, and literally works emphasized the intricacies of human character.Beside from the activities, Florence also became the home of great Renaissance artist who created a distinctive style in their works through the principle balance, harmony and perspective. Among the illustratious examples of the incredible work that occurred in Florence are the dome of Cathedral of Florence which was made by Filippo Brunelleschi, Michael Angelo's David and Monalisa of  Da Vinci. such, the city stands as proof of the remarkable artist during the Renaissance period. 
Florence is considered to have more marvelous museums, galleries, monuments, and beautiful shopping places and items and specially tremendous cuisine and restaurants that the city are proud of. The city is strewn with great pieces of history from their past that are preserved by the authorities and the people upto this day. Tourist from different parts of the world are amaze by the beauty of the place,its art works and as well as the people of this city..

http://en wikipedia.org/wiki/florence
http://www.learner org/exhibits/renaissance/florence.html


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