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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Persuasive Essay
Some people exercise regularly, but many do not, especially those who are busy in their careers or in their professions that they find no time for exercise.  If those who don’t exercise knew how important it is, probably they would all start exercise programs.  What does regular exercise can do? Regular exercise makes and keeps you fit. In fact it helps you look and feel fit in addition to being fit.
          Exercise and be Healthy…In the first place, regular exercise is good for your health. What are some of the helpful exercises? The best exercise is walking… Walking is a good exercise, it keeps the form fit. It puts into play, painlessly and unconsciously, important body muscles. Walk vigorously and enthusiastically you can almost actually feel the blood circulating in your body.
Another is bicycling; Cycling is one of the easiest ways to exercise. You can ride a bicycle almost anywhere, at any time of the year, and without spending a fortune. Many people are put off doing certain sports because of the high level of skill that seems to be required, or perhaps because they can’t commit to a team sport due to time pressures. Most of us know how to cycle and once you have learned you don’t forget. All you need is a bike, a half an hour here or there when it suits, and a bit of confidence. It also builds strengths and muscle tone, builds stamina, improves cardiovascular fitness, eats up calories, improves heart health, improves coordination and reduces stress.
Also, doing aerobic activity regularly is quite helpful. Your heart becomes stronger, and your breathing improves. These physical changes increase your endurance. You actually have more energy. Also muscles that are working burn more fat calories.
          Exercise helps improve not only your health but also your looks. Because your body burns more calories, you lose weight and look slimmer and trimmer. Your muscles become firm. You seem more youthful and energetic. In addition, better circulation gives your skin and hair healthy glow. All these physical benefits lead to perhaps the most important result of regular exercise. It makes you feel better. Exercise reduces tension in your muscles and makes you more relaxed. You feel rested and ready to go during the day, and you sleep better at night. Because you look better, you feel better about your body and about yourself. Your confidence would increase.
Some enthusiasts have it that a good habitual exercise could make you also a good habitual thinker. Clear thinking may come as a result of good blood circulation and generally body health through exercise.
Now, with all the benefits of regular exercise, for sure you will find time to exercise no matter how busy you are. Exercise regularly and live life healthy and happily!
Shiella D. AƱonuevo

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